Monday, October 31, 2016

HR and YOU!

Every single company, both large and small, most likely has a Human Resources (HR) department. These are the folks who are responsible for much of what and who comes in, and goes out, of the  company. They are sometimes seen as the epicenter of many companies who's sole reliability is on them. In order for HR to be a strategic partner within a company, it has to operate with the company's best intentions in mind when it comes to employee selection, training, remuneration rates, and the like. HR must work with the company to ensure that they are selecting individuals who match up with the current climate of the company as well as the corporate structure and culture. HR is responsible for placing and training individuals appropriately in efforts to create a positive environment, and experience, for both the company and those who work there.

HR is also responsible for ensuring the a company has a well round team of people. This would include people from various backgrounds and cultures. A diverse workplace can provide many benefits to companies in that every person is different - so every person has something new to bring to the table. Companies benefit by having fresh faces with fresh ideas that can enhance productivity, efficiency, as well as the atmosphere. Differences create dialogue and that is what's needed in order to keep the pace with the ever-changing times, today.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Human Resource must act in the best intentions of the company.This will ensure that they hire the people who will be the best fit for the company. Many items are used to arrive to this decision. Some of these methods are questionnaires, personality test, and interviews. Many companies are also including a diverse employee population. A diverse workforce does provides many benefits to a company. They bring all of their skills and talents to the workforce. This serves to increase the companies competitiveness in today's global market.
